Gadget and Healthy Living

Dry Skin Can Be Serious Disease Signs | January 23, 2011

The winter season is often regarded as the least friendly to the skin. The air is too humid often makes the skin dry, could even be cracked skin, especially on the hands and feet.

In cold weather, many doctors advise women to wear cosmetics baby products, including baby lotion to moisturize the skin soft. However, if the skin stays dry, even worse, though it has spread with lotion, you need to be vigilant. Because, this condition could be a sign of disease. If it happens to you, Dr. Debra Jaliman, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Dermatology, suggest to you to immediately consult a dermatologist. What kind of diseases characterized by dry skin? Here is the explanation, quoted from


Dry skin that you experience may be turned into eczema, especially in the hand. If visible cracks, peeling, pain or bleeding, you should be wary. Eczema is a chronic skin inflammatory condition that can occur due to certain stimuli, for example, temperature fluctuations, animal hair or harsh soap products.

The skin may at first seem only dry and uneven and may be very itchy. “You use hand cream to moisturize it, but no effect that helps, then it’s time you checked these skin problems to the doctor,” said Jaliman.

Doctors will diagnose and prescribe a special moisturizing eczema and topical steroids. Doctors may also prescribe topical or oral antibiotics as it can easily cope with dry skin to prevent serious skin infections.

Jaliman also recommend that patients who suffer from eczema to wear cotton gloves during cold weather. It’s important to stay away from allergens like fur.


The characteristics of this disease are thickened and scaly skin. Psoriasis is a genetic skin disorder, usually characterized by dry skin, such as salmon scales. But, sometimes manifests as pustules on the hands or pink spots small.

It may cause discomfort, itching, pain, and the sufferer vulnerable to infection or other skin. “You can have this problem in some parts of the body such as knees and elbows, or only in the hands or nails,” said Jaliman.

To fix this, need to spread vitamin D cream, bath tar, steroids and phototherapy sessions in patients with psoriasis, and important notes that must be made that changes in diet to include more fatty fish may help. Oral medications can be used when other treatments do not work.


The skin on the feet or legs dry, cracked and itchy. “This problem can be cured, but many people experienced this many times when they have diabetes. The symptoms of itching and dry skin on the feet,” said Jaliman.

People with diabetes often experience problems with dry feet and foot problems due to poor circulation and must be careful to pay attention to certain areas because it can allow bacteria in, causing serious infections.

Jaliman recommends that patients with very dry feet for immediate test the blood sugar  in fasting conditions. If indeed the diagnosis stating you have diabetes, you should check your foot weekly, bathing with mild soap and moisturize skin regularly.


If your skin is dry, cracked and rough, and you feel the weight problem, and this could be a sign of sluggish Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone deficiency, which controls metabolism. Jaliman himself has experienced hypothyroidism. At first the skin is naturally oily and dry.

“Your metabolism feels slow, make your skin feel very dry,” he said. “No matter what you do, the skin will peel and your heel will crack.”

Jaliman recommends that women may experience symptoms of dry skin, fatigue, brittle hair, weight loss, and sensitive to cold.


  1. Helpful post. Thank you.

    Comment by Crazy Curiosity — January 23, 2011 @ 11:49 pm

  2. Its very helpful and informative ..i love it!continue doing this blog so that many people out there will aware on how to take care the skin and the effect if you just let the skin taken for granted 😦

    Comment by Wrinkle — January 25, 2011 @ 11:43 am

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